Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Liquid Soap Challenge

Finding a liquid soap recipe that I adore has been challenging to say the least but I think I finally created something I really like. One of the greatest benefits to Hot Processed liquid soap it is very universal. You can use it in the Kitchen for pots and pans, in the bathroom as a hand soap, in the shower for bathing soap yup you can use it pretty much anywhere.
This morning I created my first recipe for my face wash. My face is acne prone so this should be fun, ok not fun is the right word but since I love experiments seeing results should be fun. I will taking pictures before, 1 week into, and 1 month into the experiment. Not looking forward to my face being plastered all over my blog but I figure I might as well record my thoughts, and observations. To Be Continued...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Body Butter as a Facial Moisturizer

Running out of things can be a good thing at times. For me at least it forces me to be creative in finding new uses for products. Recently I ran out of my face care products so I decided to use the soap I make and follow up with my body butter. I tend to have acne prone skin due to PCOS I have dealt with it pretty much all my life. As much as I would love to say the soap and butter cleared my face up completely it didn't happen BUT I did find that it worked just as well as the products I was spending $$$ on and the body butter not only works as a great moisturizer it also doubles as a wonderful primer for mineral make-up. I am satisfied with my findings and my wallet will thank me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tupperware, Lia Sophia For Sale!


Pomegranate Ice Tea(loose tea with strainer) $8

3 pc canister set $15 (4 pc)

Fashion Lunch Set $15

Sugar Creamer Set $5

Saucy Silicone Spatula set 3 pc bouquet $10

Season N Serve $10

Various Heat N Serve Containers $5

Cold Cut Keeper $10

Servalier Bowls and Impression Bowls(sets)

Lots more just ask!

Lia Sophia

Baja Necklace $15

Deb Necklace $15

Divine Necklace $10

Harvest Moon Necklace $10

Trish Necklace $50($118 Value)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Candle Making....

I have decided to try my hand at making some wax tarts for my Scentsy warmers. I wasn't sure how to go about it but the internet provides all kinds of information on the subject to which I am excited about. However there is always one drawback with internet information and that is there is SO SO SO much information. So I decided to try my hand at it and we will see how it goes so stayed tuned...