Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Conditioner? WHAT?

My main goal when I formulated my own liquid soap recipe back in the winter was two things one my customers kept asking me to and two save my family some money on the store bought shampoo and conditioner. It now has been 8 months since our family switch. I have observed a couple things that I had not planned on when creating my recipe which has turned out to be exceptional.
1) Fewer hair loss. I am not sure why maybe it is because the soap I now use on my hair is chemical free thus creating healthier hair whatever the reason which I am sure it's the no chemical thing there are fewer less hairs clogging the drain.
2) No conditioner needed. Yes you read right, I don't use conditioner any more. One less step, more money saved and my hair still looks great. I am even more convinced of the natural factor and that natural soap is not only the best choice but makes your skin and hair healthier.
Let me talk about the term "natural" real quick. When I use the term natural I am referring to the natural chemical reaction that makes soap soap. It is a natural process, not something manufactured in a warehouse some place, not something made with a bunch of sulfates, parabens, and chemicals. It is natures way to make soap.

Another observation is that the liquid soap AKA shampoo also decreases itchiness of the scalp. Just another reason to skip the store bought stuff. Start making your own soap or buy the REAL natural soap. Your Hair, Scalp and Skin will thank you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Recent Experiments with Rubber stamps

I was recently experimenting with rubber stamps on cold processed soap. Although it worked well without the added mica working for color, I liked the end result with the mica a lot better. A couple of my soaps are above.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A great Deal on Mineral Makeup

I found this Mineral Basics Makeup site with my affiliation to the Indie Network and fell in love with their Emu Oil for Acne prone skin. I am so sad they have announced they are selling their business but happy to let you in on their sale for 60% off their inventory. It is pure bismuth free mineral makeup. I love the eye shadow brown sugar so I totally stocked up on that. The Discount code is discount60 and if you order $100 worth shipping is free. I ordered $100 and only paid $40. It's a great deal and a superior product.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Grab A Stone Street Button

All you gotta do is copy the code below and put it on your blog!

Monday, August 2, 2010

before and after

Before Taken end of January

Taken early April

About 3 months separate the photos. I used a liquid soap wash that I created for Stone Street Soaps.
Previously was using a brand 3 step system that cost around $85
Present Day using my own liquid homemade soap with a few additives like green tea and lavender essential oil cost to make around $1.50

Yes it pays to make soap even if it is for yourself!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Safe Cosmetics Act Petition

I've become aware that there is a new legislation trying to get pushed through called the Safe Cosmetics Act. I am passing this along to you for your own information on how it may affect soap makers and other small business that you may support and enjoy.

Indie Blog What SCA really Means

Please consider signing this petition in opposition.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Soaps-Practicing swirls

Country Clothesline Scent although now that I think of it I probably should of went with Bubblegum or something like Cotton Candy :D

experimenting with swirls and also a custom essential oil blend of citrus and cedarwood. I'll be honest I am not that big of a fan but my husband likes it so it should appeal to the men.